University of Mississippi
Alpha Phi
Make history with Alpha Phi at Ole Miss! Alpha Phi's enjoy sisterhood activities, service and philanthropy events, social events and enriching leadership opportunities! Membership not only means a chance to find a home at Ole Miss, but it also places you in one of the oldest and largest NPC sororities. Established in 1872, Alpha Phi has 173 collegiate chapters in North America and more than 222,000 members!
A Message From Our President
Our Purpose

Isabella Mariano, PC '20
Chapter President
Welcome! I’m so glad you are interested to know more about Alpha Phi and what this organization represents. I’m Isabella Mariano, the current chapter president of the Iota Omega chapter of Alpha Phi at the University of Mississippi. It gives me great pride to represent the extraordinary women of this chapter.
Alpha Phi International Fraternity was founded in 1872 and is one of the largest Greek organizations in the country. Alpha Phi’s mission is for our loyal sisterhood of women to courageously pursue limitless excellence. Alpha Phi’s motto “Union Hand in Hand” seeks to encourage members on service, and provides members with multiple opportunities to make a difference on campus and within the Oxford community. Alpha Phi was established with four high ideals of our membership: sisterhood, innovation, generosity, and character. We encourage our members to follow these ideals in their everyday lives as we grow ourselves as leaders within our community. Our philanthropy, the Alpha Phi Foundation supports research, funding, and education towards Women’s Heart Health. More information about our philanthropy can be found at our website: https://alphaphifoundation.org/
Growing up in a small town, I wanted to find life-changing friendships and a strong sense of sisterhood– I wanted my home away from home. I chose Alpha Phi because I found people that loved me for who I was and pushed me to reach the highest my potential. I have found amazing women who have encouraged me through hardships and celebrated my triumphs. I know that without Alpha Phi, I wouldn’t be the woman I am today. Alpha Phi provided me with the opportunities to grow as a leader, student, and overall individual. Alpha Phi is more than just a Greek organization, it’s an opportunity to make an impact within the Ole Miss campus and community. At Alpha Phi, we want everyone to feel loved, but most all we want you to feel accepted.
​There is nothing better than finding a home away from home feeling, which is what you will find here at Alpha Phi. As president, I only hope I can give back to this chapter what it has given me– cherished memories, extraordinary sisters, endless opportunities, and a forever home. I hope you enjoy our website and learn more about what our distinguished organization represents.
AOE and Hotty Toddy!
Isabella Mariano
The objectives of our Fraternity are the promotion of growth in character; unity of feeling, sisterly affection, and social communion among our members. In all that we do, we try to obey God's principles of justice and right.
We have banded ourselves together to improve our minds and hearts, and we seek to aid each other through a constant watchcare always given in love. We believe ourselves to be sincere searchers for truth. We seek the highest ideal of womanhood, and we try to gain this ideal by cultivating not only the power and passion for seeking intellectual development but, also, the spirit of love and charity. And we who are thus united are under a solemn pledge to lend a helping hand to one another.
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Red Dress Gala 2022

Alpha Phi Ole Miss - Bid Day 2018