Alpha Phi sisterhood is a unique and everlasting bond that is the foundation from which our chapter is built. To become a member of Alpha Phi, is to be apart of truly exceptional friendships that last far beyond your college experience. At the University of Mississippi, our chapter organizes many events throughout the year to strengthen this unique bond. From outings like sporting games and shopping events to relaxing nights with our sisters such as movie marathons or holiday decorating, our members love cherishing every precious moment spent together.
Why I Went Alpha Phi...
I went APhi because from the moment I walked in the door, I felt at home. My sisters have always been nothing short of welcoming and amazingly caring. My grandmother passed away this past summer due to heart complications. For this reason, the Alpha Phi Foundation’s commitment to women’s heart health meant a lot to me. Each day, I am happy and proud to wear my letters.
-Peyton Klauber PC'19
Glen Carbon, IL
I chose Alpha Phi because it was the only place I felt like I truly belonged. Being far away from home was tough, but the girls I met made me feel welcome and were always so genuine and kind. I have made so many amazing memories with great friends and sisters. I love Alpha Phi because it has not only given me friends for life, but a place I can call home at Ole Miss.
-Annie Mauldin PC'18
Long Valley, NJ
From the moment I entered the Alpha Phi house on the first day of recruitment, I knew it was my future home. The energy the of the girls, the instant connection I shared with them and the “at home” feeling I felt in my heart are just a couple of reasons I joined the Ivy League. Alpha Phi is made up of girls from all over the country, with different personality types and backgrounds - but every member shares the same values. By meeting girls from all over and learning about the difference experiences we’ve all had, I have grown as a person in so many ways.
-Brooke Neal PC'19
Fullerton, CA
When I walked through the doors on Greek Day, I knew immediately that I was home. At every corner, there were genuine smiles, unconditional love and unwavering support. It was impossible not to feel welcomed and truly cared about by every single woman in the room. Being far from home and not having many previous experiences with Greek life, I had little hope for finding a second home at Ole Miss. Today, I know Alpha Phi is the right home for me. These women have shown me what real sisterhood is. I am beyond blessed to be able to call 615 Rebel Drive home.
-Sydney Stephen PC'18
Dacula, GA
Big Sister/Little Sister
Every week during each member's first month in Alpha Phi, they are paired with other members. Throughout these weeks, the new members spend time with their "Ivy Linkers" and get to know them better. Then, each new member is placed into a “Phi Family" which includes a Big sister and Little sister. The Phi Families then spend a whole week secretly showering their “Littles” with presents: homemade room decorations, candy and much more. At the end of the week, Big-Little reveal takes place and we celebrate the new Phi families.
Social Events
Alpha Phis have swaps and date parties that involve themes and tons of fun. There’s no doubt you’ll have an awesome time dressing up for a themed social event, dancing to your favorite tunes and mingling with your friends.
Alpha Phi formals are the most exciting time of the year! Twice a year Alpha Phis gather for semi-formal and formal events. Formals involve fantastic food, great laughs and are a memorable night out on the town to show off the classy and beautiful Alpha Phis. It’s a great way to spend quality time with your sisters!
Joining our organization means that you will always have a home in Alpha Phi well beyond active membership. It is never too early or too late to be involved with your chapter of Alpha Phi!